Tuesday, December 9, 2008

EPISODE 200 - the one where they go live for the first time, in Paris... and stuff...

Dear K&K,
Ok.. I have another live blog I wrote when I was watching the podcast on Sat, but it is on my computer at home... I'll have to upload it later.

Weee!!! Love hearing the crowd. I had a bit of a hard time listening to the live show, but it was great to see and hear the crowds.

Love the dear! I met sooooo many people chatting on the live K&K broadcast. I have so many twitter friends now. ;-)

Yes, I know how much Katia HATES the post office.mmm... buffalo wings. yum. I want buffalo wings...

Oh wow, I cannot believe you can see Notre Dame in the windows! wow.

Oooh. question time!

Steve == rhino75?

Nudity in France. lol. Yes! I remember K&K discussing the hemroid cream on the earlier episodes. I think nudity in advertising is ok.

Peeing in public is a CRIME. It is soooo gross. When I have to go, I don't go. I find a TOILET. Should be Equal Opportunity Peeing. Is peeing in public illegal in Paris?

OOOh. French men can say things that American men cannot get away with.

A stubby = beer... ok.. i totally thought it was something else. "Coming home to a man with a stubby". I got a really BAD IMAGE. lol.

Yes, I think the French men exudes confidence.

It is interesting to learn about Sarcozy & Bruni. Ewww.. I don't want to know about Lewinsky.

Line jumping, wrong! I hate it! When I'm in Taiwan, people line jump all the time.Someone tried to cut in front of me at JoAnn fabrics at the cutting station this past weekend! I was number 76 and number 77 cut in front of me! The lady at the cutting station refused to serve the cutter. Then the cutter left all in a huff puff. I only had 1 piece of fabric to cut! It took less than 2 minutes! I can't wait to hear the episode of "The one where Katia spits on someone who cuts in front of her in line... and stuff... "

Aww...lol. Symphony is on the mixer!

mmm... Breakfast in America... that sounds like a fun place!

Boo. I didn't win anything for contest #2! That's ok. This blog is soooooo fun. I'm going to continue it anyways!

One of these days I have to hear the muffin man!

Wait a minute. That is MY VOICE at the end! Holy crap! I'm right after TexasEspresso (LOVE HER!). I sound like a dork. lol. Why do I sound like I'm 12 years old?

Episode 200 was AWESOME! Congratulations!

1 comment:

Texas Espresso said...

I LOVE you! it was so fun chatting with you (etal) I wish I could've stayed longer. I feel the same way when I hear my voice. ugh in my head I sound all normal and intelligent but in reality i sound like an idiot. LOL

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