Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Episode 15 - the one where they talk about Christmas... and stuff...

Dear K&K,
ARgh! We had a power outage here at work... so I lost all of my notes about Episode 15! and I was halfway through!!!

I remember writing ... Katia should watch the movie Chevy Chase's Christmas Vacation so she can learn about American Christmases!!! then something about how at my family friend's Eurasian Christmas dinners we always have egg rolls with the ham and mashed potatoes... and the kids would play chess... b/c that's what us half Chinese kids do (nobody owned a Nintendo).

Argh... that's all I can remember... something about ewww... eggnog... but eggnog taffy is pretty good.
I can't remember what else...

ARGH! I am so MAD!

Oh Salvation Army bell ringers.. I love that episode of Friends where Phoebe tries to raise money for the Salvation Army.

Ok.. back to explaining about Katia's Christmas... Santa on a firetruck? lol.

Ice cream pudding... yum. Christmas on a beach? That's so... different... lol...

Whoa! Katia is going away for Christmas for nearly 1 month?? I would LOVE to go on vacation for 1 month!

Santa's black box? Lol. like the black box they retrieve whenever a plane goes down?

Wow! Katia has never seen snow??? My Chinese grandmother saw snow for the first time when she visited 15 years ago. She liked to throw it at my brother and me. Then she went back to Taiwan and everybody asked her what snow was like.

I got sent home from school when it was 100 degrees out. My Elementary school didn't have air conditioning.

I wonder if Katia has seen "A Christmas Story" yet? If she hasn't, she should see it by this Christmas.

Love the Kylie Grandma Mac voice!

Wait...at the end Katia sounds like she is yelling... I wonder if she is yelling at Symphony? Naughty cat!

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