Monday, October 13, 2008

Episode 182 - the one where kylie discovers the races and katia discovers the power of fluffy pens... and stuff...

Dear K&K,
Yes, I am going to blog NEW episodes while blogging OLD episodes...
onto episode 182! 182! Yea! repeat! Repeat!

LOL at the dear.

ooooh... a mention of the early episodes.. maybe I'll get a plug in for my blog.... that would be awesome... nope.. no plug in.. booooo..

Horse racing in France? Wow, it seems sooo.. British to me.

Katia, you watched horse racing in school? Wow, that's amazing. The coolest thing we ever did was watch Puff the Magic Dragon the day before Christmas Break.

Symphony attacks pens. I love Symphony.

hehehe.. crazy pens. I have one with a bunny on it. I'm taking a look at my desk at work... hmm.. I have no crazy pens!

I wish i could buy magic pens here in the USA... I bought some off of Ebay, but they ran out of ink.

Rhum Rhum conversation again. I wonder how to make a Rhum Rhum?

ooh.. Peter Petrelli.. Can't wait for new episode of Heroes tonight!

A guy looses a TOOTH?? EWWWWW!!!! ew ew ew. In a restaurant? Even grosser!

Hhaha.. keeping a sandwich in a handbag. hilarious! mmm.. mozzerella in a sandwich are the best! ewww.. Kylie... ewwwww.. thank GOD Kylie didn't eat the mozzerella ball. I'm glad she wasn't too Rhum Rhum'ed.

Yes! I want to know the stuffs!!! oooh.. revealing episode 200!!! Gasp.. December 6th!!! Looking at calendar... on a Saturday! OMG! LIVE AUDIENCE! Argh. I can't come to Paris on December 6th! The airline tickets are sooo expensive.. booo. I feel sad now.I am SO EXCITED! I will most definately have to listen live. I'm sorry I can't be at the pub girls! Unless I win airplane tickets or something...

Prizes for episode 200! I'm so excited my blog is going to be entered into the contest! I really, REALLY want to win.. I want magic pens!

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