Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Episode 17 - the one where they go ice skating... and stuff...

Dear K&K,
Yea! it is Kimmie! Speaking of cutting your nails.. my coworker does this.. at her desk. I swear, I have to leave everytime I hear the clippers.. snip ... snip... drives me nuts!

Yea! First episode with microphone stands!

Electric socks. hilarious. What if you sweat? Will you get electricuded?

Heated mittens that plug into the computer!!! I want some! Some of my coworkers talk about getting me a pair.. b/c it is COLD in the office during the winter. I have a blankie for my lap at work. A mickey mouse plush blankie. Yes, I get made fun of. Oh yes, that fire yesturday? It was started by a space heater in the admissions office. Dear State, please let us be warm this winter!! I swear, I wear like 3 layers and thermals to work everyday!

Ice skating! Sounds so much fun! Hilarious the ice skating rink was a huge pick up joint.

Oofta!!!! It's a Minnesota term!! My husband uses the word! It's like "oh darn".

What a fun episode. I wish I could go ice skating with Kim, Katia, and Kylie. Is this a vodka and OJ drinking episode? They all sound very, very hyper.

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