Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Episode 4 - the one where they hunt for mushrooms and fight dragons... and stuff...

Yea! Kyliemac repeats "episode 4!". I don't think she realizes yet that she must repeat the episode number every episode.

Lacoste is a crocodile not an alligator! lol. I can't tell the difference either.

Ahhh.. toilets again! Train toilet waste is emptied on the train tracks. EW. Imagine if you lived by the train tracks. Does that mean your house smells like human sewage?

Bowling in Paris! So neat. I wonder if the K&K group drank beer and ate pizza? That's what I do when I go bowling. Drink light draft beer and eat pizza and nachos. Shoe hire = shoe rental.

Haha.. I like how K&K describe mushroom hunting. It's like Elmer Fudd hunting for rabbits.

Calling a waiter garcon. So rude! I hate in movies when someone calls the waiter "Boy" in American movies. My husband always tries to catch the eye of the waiter or lifts his hand holding a credit card to indicate he would like the check.

uh oh. Neopet toolbar! Still haven't google for what a Neopet is yet.

Bowling again. Backlight bowling. I've been before. Grandma Mac is going to wear earplugs the next time she goes bowling.

Starbucks siteing no #2!

I think K&K are sending me subliminal messages to go to Starbucks. Now I Really Want the new Starbuck's Salty Caramel Hot Chocolate.

I still haven't seen Snakes on a Plane. Too scary for me. I thought Iron Man and Transformers were scary. I wonder what Samuel L. Jackson's dubbed French voice sounds like?

Sylvain == Muffin Man! It is revealed! Katia let it slip!

K&K are the totally for the free museums. So neat! Hey, did you know in Washington DC all of the museums are free? It's your tax dollars at work. It's so strange to me to actually pay to go to a museum.

Finally!! The Cat has a name!! Symphony makes his first appearance!

The M&M's start! It all started with a visit to the movies.

1 comment:

Katia said...

hahahaha - the repetition of episode numbers. That's TOO funny!
And yay for Symphony's first appearance!

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